Cheers to the New Year
Happy New Year, friends.
This is going to be The Best Year Ever.
I know it.
I believe it.
This is the year.
I love the first day of any new year, but today feels different. Today is a dawning of a new chapter, not a new beginning. There are no such things as new beginnings, you only get one shot at those, everything else is a retry, and those are not bad things. It’s all about learning, and this past year I have done a lot of learning. I have made some mistakes, and I have some wins, but through all of it I have learned and grown. My mind is full of new stuff, and I cannot wait to share it with you.
For me today is about reflection and refinement, not resolution. I’ve never been a big fan of The New Year’s Resolution. Those promises we make to ourselves to do something different or grandiose in the coming year, that typically get’s lost, forgotten or dismissed in the difficult days of winter. I like to take stock in the past year, and think about the highs and lows, think about the successes and failures, and most importantly think about all the great memories and be grateful for it all.
Grateful for my self discovery.
Grateful for my loving wife and best friend.
Grateful for my amazing kids.
Grateful for my loving family.
Grateful for my all of my friends.
Grateful for you.
Grateful for everything.
So why is 2019 going to be The Best Year Ever? First of all, because I say it is. You may laugh, but the shear fact of saying it and believing it makes it so. The power of thought and belief and placing our intention and energy on something brings it to reality.
Okay, I won’t get too metaphysical on you this early.
And secondly, and more importantly, is because I’m preparing for it. Putting ideas to paper and doing the hard work to make it happen. It doesn’t just materialize because I think about it. The manifestation of it comes from taking my thoughts and desires and turning them into action.
My action plan for The Best Year Ever (TBYE):
1) It’s time to get serious about healthy and clean living. I mean really serious. We already eat pretty good, but we are going to take it to a whole new level. Organic. Free range and verified pastured. No GMO’s. No more chemicals, in our food, in our wine, in our self-care products, in our cleaning products. None of it. Over the next couple of months we will be cleaning it all out and in the process building a whole new body. Out with the old and in with the new.
2) Deliver value and meaning to my life, my family’s life, and to yours. This goes deep and will unfold as we progress, but here are my promises to you: social media content that matters, weekly blog posts about our journey, food events, wine events, and so much more (that’s code for there will be some surprises along the way).
3) Develop goals that mean something and create action plans that are S.M.A.R.T. To accomplish TBYE it’s going to take focus and drive, but most of all it’s going to take planning and a committed effort to make it all happen. Turning dreams into goals requires writing them down, and goals into reality when action plans are created and executed against.
4) And finally, simplify.
I look forward to sharing my/our journey with you. This truly is going to be The Best Year Ever for me, and you.
Have a fantastic day. Enjoy all your New Year’s celebrations. I appreciate you and am grateful for you.
Until next week, be well, and love who you are, because you are truly fantastic.