Fitness Friday
With the weather perfect here in the PNW I can’t imagine anything more fitting than to get away for the weekend and go hiking and explore the amazing backyard we have. So, for Fitness Friday I am going to focus on hiking and exploring. There is no better form of fitness for our bodies than walking, or in my case, hiking. We are anatomically designed to walk and move. Walking puts our heart rate into fat burning zone and keeps it there. For those of you who want to lose a pound or two of fat, there is no better way than walking.
I know that I have talked about walking before, in fact it was part of my first blog post challenge. And to be honest, I’m not going to stop talking about it. I love walking. In the future we are going to dive deep into the physiological effects of walking on the body, and the adverse effects of more strenuous exercise. But that will be for another day.
Hiking is more than just exercise though. It’s about exploring. It’s about seeing new things. Smelling new smells. Breathing fresh air. And getting your Vitamin ‘G’ on.
Yes, I said it, your vitamin G. That stands for ground. You need to get in touch with the earth. We are surrounded by forces that we cannot see (no, I am not getting metaphysical on you) that are needed to keep our bodies in homeostasis (yikes, I’m using some big words today. It’s the science geek coming out in me). The earth is comprised of electromagnetic forces that we need to eliminate free radicals. Free radicals at the most basic level are atoms that don’t have balanced electrons that reek havoc on your cells, basically aging them sooner than need be. Free radicals are typically fought by antioxidants (think blueberries), but the electromagnetic forces emitted by the earth also fight your free radicals. So, where the am I going with all this? Getting in touch with the earth will help you fight free radicals. You need to touch the earth . Feel the dirt around your toes and feel the plants and life in your hands.
What better way to do that than by hiking and exploring the great outdoors. Take your shoes off when you take your break and feel the earth beneath your toes. And for those of you who just can’t get away to the wilderness, don’t fret, go get your grass on. Take your shoes off and walk on the grass. Get that Vitamin G working for you.
I can’t wait to tell you about everything we discover this weekend.